Rivage Spot Correcting Cream is formulated with unique natural whitening active ingredients enhanced by multivitamins anti-oxidant vitamins (A, E, and C) to obtain the maximum beneficial results. Works to inhibit pigmentation, decrease spots caused by sun-exposure and aging factors, in addition to tone the color difference. Combined with Vegetal Collagen and Dead Sea Minerals to improve the efficiency of this product and add more elasticity and nourishment to the skin. Leaves your skin more clarified, youthful-looking with bright texture and homogeneous color tone.
Apply on pre-cleansed skin using Rivage cleansers. Apply an enough amount of Spot Corrector Cream with a circular gentle massage motion. This natural product is recommended for all skin types with frequent use twice a night for 4 weeks. To obtain maximum benefit, apply Rivage Sun Block Cream during daytime.
Dead Sea Salt
Dead Sea Salt – Two thousand years ago Flavius wrote about the healing qualities of the Dead Sea salts, and today we continue to rely on these rich salts to promote healing. Bathing in high quality sea salt can replenish the minerals which are critical to our skin metabolism. Calcium can help to prevent water retention, increase circulation and s....
Soy Bean
Soy Bean (Glycine Max) – with natural anti-oxidant and conditioning qualities, soy beans can protect your skin from free radicals while helping your skin to remain moisturized and youthful. Soy beans may also provide a degree of protection from the sun and from environmental pollution. Used in traditional Chinese medicine for countless gene....