Unique, rich hydrating formula uses Almond Oil and other soothing moisturizers which protect feet against negative environmental influences. RivageFoot Cream rejuvenates with revitalizing Dead Sea Minerals and Natural antiseptic Tea Tree Oil, help repair sore, calloused feet and relieve dry, chapped heels and rough skin.
Smooth Foot Cream onto dry, clean feet and gently massage until the cream is completely absorbed. For maximum results, soak the feet in warm water with Rivagemineral salts for 30 minutes before applying the cream.
Almond (Prunus dulcis) – A highly effective natural moisturizer, sweet almond oil is great for nourishing dry skin. Thanks to its emollient properties, almond oil can soften and enhance skin while improving overall complexion and balancing skin tone. Almond protein is rich in amino acid peptides known to effectively support sebaceous gland activi....
Dead Sea Salt
Dead Sea Salt – Two thousand years ago Flavius wrote about the healing qualities of the Dead Sea salts, and today we continue to rely on these rich salts to promote healing. Bathing in high quality sea salt can replenish the minerals which are critical to our skin metabolism. Calcium can help to prevent water retention, increase circulation and s....
Tea Tree
Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alterifolia) – this potent antimicrobial oil is often used to treat acne, burns, inflammation and fungal infections. Tea tree oil can open clogged pores and kill bacteria, while its antioxidant effect reduces free radicals while encouraging the production of collagen. Tea tree oil can also reduce allergic skin reactions.....